Beloved 1 and Beloved 2, at the core of your wonderful selves is an aspect of divinity called love. I invite you to take a deep breath and let your hearts gently open to it. Savor this moment, it is all so good. Now will you face each other and hold hands.
In receiving and giving of words, in exchanging vows and rings and absolute promises, by doing so, the two of you
are joining yourselves and you are joining the unknown.
Beloved 1, will you look into Beloved 2's eyes and into (his/her/their) heart and repeat after me.
Beloved 1: Beloved 2, I love you,
you are my closest friend.
I devote my life to our partnership.
I promise to comfort you and to encourage you in all walks of life.
I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you
and to listen to you in times of joy and sorrow.
Will you let me share my life with you,
now and forever?
Beloved 2: I will
(repeat in reverse)
Beloved 1: I promise you Beloved 2 that I will be your loving and loyal
partner from now on and I will share with you all of life’s joy and sorrow,
pleasure and pain. I take you above all others to share my life.
(repeat in reverse)
I, Beloved 1, offer myself to you, Beloved 2 as your mate, your friend, your lover
and your lifelong companion; I will share my life with yours; build our
dreams together, support you in times of trouble and rejoice with you in
times of happiness; I will treat you with respect, love and loyalty through
all the trials and triumphs of our lives together. This commitment is made
in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and eternally made new.
(reverse and repeat)
Beloved 1: Beloved 2 I am your mate,
I promise you this from my heart, with my soul,
for all the days of my life,
Beloved 1
I do now choose you and take you to be my mate
you are my lover, my teacher, and my true counterpart.
I will love you, hold you and honor you,
for all the days of my life.
#6 (Beloved 1 and Beloved 2 reverse and repeat)
All that I am and all that I have
I entrust to your heart,
on this day,
and tomorrow,
and always.
Now I feel joy
Now I feel whole
Now I feel that anything is possible
Thank you for coming into my life;
thank you for loving me well.
I have waited so long for my heart to be glad,
for my soul to be full.
Thank you for coming into my life.
Thank you for coming into my love.
I, Beloved 1 take you Beloved 2 from this day forward and into the
long forever to be my love, my mate.
I promise to always love you to honor you
You are the one I admire,
You are the one I adore,
You are the one I choose
to go on with forever.
I, (name) take thee, (name), to be my wedded (husband/wife/partner)
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish, till death do us part.
The Book of Common Prayer
Optional Family Vows
Now that you have heard Beloved 1 and Beloved 2 recite their vows,
please show your support by responding to the following with the words
“We do”
Do you their family and friends, promise, from this day
forward to encourage them and love them, and to support
them in the promises that they have made?
We do!!!!
Optional Guests Reaffirm their Vows
"I love you and thank you again for the gift of your love.
Thank you for being here to love me all these years,
in every way you have, in all the ways you will.
I pledge again to love you for the rest of our days."
Optional Children's Vows